Our Availability shows the varieties, sizes, and quantities of plugs we have available now and what we can supply in 2025. For your convenience, it can be downloaded and used as an Order Form. Be sure to select the year that you are ordering for from the drop-down to see the appropriate pricing.
The availability for plugs and pots are separated into two different sheets in the file.
Please note that for both availabilities if the variety is in red it is sold out for 2025. Some varieties in black will have “0” available, but that usually means that we can produce more if needed. If you aren’t sure about the availability of a certain variety, please contact us and we can let you know.
Ordering Guidelines
Can’t find the variety you are looking for? Our product list can look a little different from year to year, so if you don’t see a variety or size that you are interested in, let us know and we would be happy to discuss some custom growing options with you.